Hi Peter,

Thanks for getting back to me.

>> In September, I emailed you:
> Ahh... In September and most of October I was in hospital, very ill …

I hope you’re better, or at least on the mend now?

> Crypt-Tea-2.13 is Really out of date, and I've kept it live just
> for the very unlikely event that someone had encrypted data in
> that format.  Current is Crypt-Tea_JS which uses the improved
> version of the algorithm (and also corresponding JavaScript code).
> perldoc Crypt:Tea_JS includes:
>   […]
> Assuming that Crypt-Tea_JS is not affected by all this, I would
> be happy to delete Crypt::Tea, or for you to delete it for me.
> I suppose to keep people happy who have installed the old Crypt::Tea
> recently, it might be better to rename it to Crypt::Tea_Deprecated
> or something ?  Or perhaps Crypt::Tea::PP, though that could mislead
> people into thinking it's compatible with Crypt::TEA ...
> But for myself, I'd be happy to see it deleted.

Given it will remain available on BackPAN, I think we’re ok to delete it. If 
anyone turns out to be using it (after all this time), then we could put it 
back on CPAN under a different namespace.

> So can you confirm that Crypt::Tea_JS is untouched by this problem ?
> That's the only important one…

Yes, that isn’t affected.

I’ll drop your permissions and schedule deletion of the release of Crypt::Tea — 
you’ll get an email from PAUSE confirming the scheduled deletion.


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