At least there's no other way to check the MFZZ original account creator email? Like viewing the account 'history'? I mentioned that since the first email..

06.12.2016, 16:09, "David Golden" <>:
The meta github link published in October 2016 points to a repository that appears to have been created 6 hours ago by an account that GitHub reports was created yesterday.  Any relation between the current "mfzz" on GitHub and the user who published App::Pastebin::Create has been severed.

Between this and other irregularities, I'm can only conclude that these emails are an attempt to impersonate the MFZZ user and gain their credentials.

I consider this matter closed.

On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 12:38 AM, _ mefzz <> wrote:
Hi thanks for replying. I don't have much evidence, however. Ermm, is there anyway you can view MFZZ account email changes history? This email address should be the one that created it.
Thus, before I left, I published App::Pastebin::Create. I set the meta github link to my github repository. I can confirm the email address by displaying it on my github profile.

06.12.2016, 12:23, "David Golden" <>:
Hello.  I can't act on your request due to irregularities that I'm unwilling to disclose on a public channel.  If you have further evidence proving that you are the individual that opened the MFZZ account, please provide it.  Until then, there's nothing further I can do.

David Golden
PAUSE Admin for IDs

On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 9:47 PM, _ mefzz <> wrote:
Hi, I have a bit problem of recovering my PAUSE account (MFZZ). I actually 'decide' to left programming world for a couple months due to some real life issues. I always tend to going back to CPAN if I got access for it in that time, so I replaced my email and password with randomly generated text and I regret that. Now, I basically lost all of my credentials for that account (email & password). Although, I registered MFZZ account originally with this email address, and the admin can set account email address to this email address again. Thus, please ignore MEFZZ account (my second account) that asking to take over App-Pastebin-Create module, because I think I wanna keep using the existing MFZZ account. Thanks for your help!

David Golden <> Twitter/IRC/GitHub: @xdg


David Golden <> Twitter/IRC/GitHub: @xdg


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