The meta github link published in October 2016 points to a repository that
appears to have been created 6 hours ago by an account that GitHub reports
was created yesterday.  Any relation between the current "mfzz" on GitHub
and the user who published App::Pastebin::Create has been severed.

Between this and other irregularities, I'm can only conclude that these
emails are an attempt to impersonate the MFZZ user and gain their

I consider this matter closed.

On Tue, Dec 6, 2016 at 12:38 AM, _ mefzz <> wrote:

> Hi thanks for replying. I don't have much evidence, however. Ermm, is
> there anyway you can view MFZZ account email changes history? This email
> address should be the one that created it.
> Thus, before I left, I published App::Pastebin::Create. I set the meta
> github link to my github repository. I can confirm the email address by
> displaying it on my github profile.
> 06.12.2016, 12:23, "David Golden" <>:
> Hello.  I can't act on your request due to irregularities that I'm
> unwilling to disclose on a public channel.  If you have further evidence
> proving that you are the individual that opened the MFZZ account, please
> provide it.  Until then, there's nothing further I can do.
> Sincerely,
> David Golden
> PAUSE Admin for IDs
> On Mon, Dec 5, 2016 at 9:47 PM, _ mefzz <> wrote:
> Hi, I have a bit problem of recovering my PAUSE account (MFZZ). I actually
> 'decide' to left programming world for a couple months due to some real
> life issues. I always tend to going back to CPAN if I got access for it in
> that time, so I replaced my email and password with randomly generated text
> and I regret that. Now, I basically lost all of my credentials for that
> account (email & password). Although, I registered MFZZ account originally
> with this email address, and the admin can set account email address to
> this email address again. Thus, please ignore MEFZZ account (my second
> account) that asking to take over App-Pastebin-Create module, because I
> think I wanna keep using the existing MFZZ account. Thanks for your help!
> --
> regards
> mfzz
> --
> David Golden <> Twitter/IRC/GitHub: @xdg
> --
> regards
> mfzz

David Golden <> Twitter/IRC/GitHub: @xdg

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