Hi Slaven, >> TKML has ownership of the “Plot” namespace. >> You and NI-S have co-maint on this namespace. >> There is no “Plot” module on CPAN, and from checking BackPAN, there >> never has been. >> Your “Plot” permissions conflict with “plot”, which is owned by CJONES. >> CJONES has an indexed release on CPAN for “plot”: >> C/CJ/CJONES/Microarray-0.45c.zip >> >> I’d like to drop all the permissions on “Plot”, to remove this >> conflict. Are you happy with that? > > Yes, you can drop the permissions. Since this commit Plot.pm was > explicitly hidden from PAUSE indexer: > https://github.com/eserte/perl-tk/commit/329c53d4fce2f3eb491372fbe6eb10a508c9a6ff > > <https://github.com/eserte/perl-tk/commit/329c53d4fce2f3eb491372fbe6eb10a508c9a6ff> > Feel free to drop permissions also for the other three modules mentioned > in this commit.
Thanks for that pointer. Since Ball and Plot are both in demos, I dropped those, resolved the conflict on Plot. Cheers, Neil