Neil Bowers <> writes:

> Hi Slaven, & TKML (the Perl/Tk mailing list),
> I’m emailing you wearing my PAUSE admin hat: I’m working on resolving 
> conflicts caused by PAUSE now considering package names case insensitively. 
> This has left us with some situations where people are owners of namespaces 
> previously considered distinct, and now considered the same.
> Context for TKML is a pause id associated with the Perl/Tk 
> mailing list. I’ve joined the list to try and track down who controls the 
> pause ID, since I want to resolve some permissions issues that involve TKML.
>> On 21 May 2016, at 14:18, Slaven Rezic <> wrote:
>> I am here, but I cannot tell you anything about this pause id.
> Very handy that you replied Slaven, since one of the cases involves you and 
> TKML :-)
>       TKML has ownership of the “Plot” namespace.
>       You and NI-S have co-maint on this namespace.
>       There is no “Plot” module on CPAN, and from checking BackPAN, there 
> never has been.
>       Your “Plot” permissions conflict with “plot”, which is owned by CJONES.
>       CJONES has an indexed release on CPAN for “plot”: 
> I’d like to drop all the permissions on “Plot”, to remove this
> conflict. Are you happy with that?

Yes, you can drop the permissions. Since this commit was
explicitly hidden from PAUSE indexer:
Feel free to drop permissions also for the other three modules mentioned
in this commit.

> The other case is the “Bundle::Tk” namespace, which TKML owns. Again, there 
> isn’t a Bundle::Tk module on CPAN at this time.
> SHARIFULN (also copied on this email) owns the Bundle::TK namespace, and also 
> doesn’t have a Bundle::TK module on CPAN.
> To resolve this I’d like to drop one or both of Bundle::Tk and Bundle::TK — 
> everyone ok with that?



> Cheers,
> Neil
>> Neil Bowers <> writes:
>>> I’m trying to track down anyone who knows about the TKML pause ID, which is 
>>> apparently linked to this mailing list.
>>> Anyone?
>>> Neil
>>> --++**==--++**==--++**==--++**==--++**==--++**==--++**==
>>> ptk mailing list

Slaven Rezic - slaven <at> rezic <dot> de

    Berlin Perl Mongers -

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