So I was thinking, why would it complain about a non-existent permissions error if it had no idea what the module name was supposed to be in the first place?
It knows the dist name. To upload Date-Easy as a dist name requires perms on Date::Easy. Then the empty provides means it didn't index Date/ so you never got the first-come perms generated so the dist was marked disallowed so it told you about that.
Okay, that makes sense.
But perhaps it's all connected, as you surmise.
There is no perhaps involved. Neil knows what he's talking about. Please try to be less condescending to volunteers trying to help you by telling you your exact mistake.
Ummm ... maybe please try to be less condescending to people you assume are being condescending without any real proof. ;-> All I did was refer to this statement of Neil's:
I *think* that the problem is ...
as "surmising." I don't see any condescension there. However, if Neil does, I hope he will let me know and I'll be pleased to apologize for any lack of clarity on my part which may have caused the misunderstanding.
-- Buddy