On Mon, Apr 25, 2016 at 9:27 AM, Perl Authors Upload Server <
upl...@pause.perl.org> wrote:
> Request to register new user
> fullname: Donald Trump
>   userid: TRUMP
>     mail: CENSORED
> homepage:
>      why:
>     We won so many states that they never thought of winning. And we
>     are going to win Bethlehem, Pennsylvania and we are going to win
>     places that a lot of people aren't going to win and we are going to
>     have the largest upload gathering in the history of this country!
>     The people have spoken, do not let lying David hide behind PAUSE
>     regulations! We request a seat on this colorful table, with seats
>     for christians, muslims, pastafarians and now even jews! We are
>     going to win and we are going to make CPAN great again!
People come to me and ask "Mr Trump, aren't you too divisive?". I am going
to tell you - I am a uniter. I can always strike a deal across the isle,
and in fact I am going to prove it by making a deal with lying Dave: if he
approves this account, I am going to vouch for his Leftpad thing! How is
that for bipausemanship!?

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