Hi I assume you're asking about copyright issues.
If the web pages which will be scraped have no copyright statement, then there is no issue.
Some web sites use (c) or (C) as a attempt at a fake copyright symbol, but (warning: IANAL) under Australian law that is not a copyright symbol, because the parentheses do not form a circle around the letter. © is a copyright symbol (if you email client displays it the same way I see it).
If there is a copyright symbol, then western law still allows copying for various purposes (e.g. research, quoting, etc).
But these are all issues for people who use your code. Just because you are the author of the code does not mean you are responsible if other people misuse the code. This is the same issue as with photocopiers - the manufacturers of such equipment are not responsible for what people choose to copy, are they?
And of course there are already many modules on CPAN which perform web scraping. You can type WWW::Scraper into MetaCPAN.org and see many listed there, so obviously a lot of authors publish code without being too worried about how is is being used. Yes, they might be worried, but they are not too worried.
-- Ron Savage - savage.net.au