The repo is hosted at: and the project has been registered with CPAN. From what I can tell, the other attempts at doing this have all been abandoned and none of them were ever registered with CPAN. The one written by Bart, that Mark's was based on, I have taken over by permission from the current author as he has no time to work on it anymore.
My version represents all new code and I am working with lots of users that have made custom changes and hacks to the various past attempts in an effort to make something pretty solid. I hope to get version 1 out in the next month with support for some percentage of Doxygen syntax and POD syntax. Bret On Fri, Oct 21, 2011 at 2:39 PM, Bill Cleveland <>wrote: > I was a little worried at first because DoxyFilt uses > Doxygen::Perl::Filter, Doxygen::POD::Filter, Doxygen::Script::Filter, etc. > > Your namespace Doxygen::Filter::Perl doesn't look like it would cause much > of a conflict. Mark Adkins (of wrote DoxyFilt and he uses > in each of his subdirectories (Perl, POD, etc.) as a generalized > method of calling the parser for each type of entity. > > I wish you luck in your new project. Let me know when you have your > repository setup. > >