My thinking is that there would be a series of pre-filters, written in Perl
to parse output for Doxygen.  One of those would obviously be for perl
source code itself.  I think something like:  Doxygen::PerlFilter and
Doxygen::SQLFilter, etc would be good name spaces.  But I am not sure if the
modules lords would want Doxygen as another top level?  If that is okay,
then I will request it.  But I wanted to defer to you all in case you wanted
something "above" it in the module tree.  I have looked through the module
tree and do not see any place it should go.


On Sun, Oct 9, 2011 at 9:16 AM, Steffen Mueller <> wrote:

> On 10/07/2011 07:39 AM, Bret Jordan wrote:
>> I am writing a greatly expanded and enhanced version of the
>> doxygenfilter for Perl.  I am thinking of calling this PerlDoxygen or
>> something like it.  What would you prefer and what name space would you
>> suggest I use?
> Isn't the "Perl" part of the namespace a little bit redundant in a Perl
> namespace? :)
> Why not go for Doxygen? I haven't checked whether that exists on CPAN
> already, though.
> Best regards,
> Steffen

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