On Tue, Nov 30, 2010 at 12:17 AM, Jens Rehsack <rehs...@googlemail.com> wrote:
> Can you please prove whether https://rt.cpan.org/Ticket/Display.html?id=63342
> is because of your changes and answer the ticket accordingly?
>> Nothing I've changed has any effect on the module itself, and Jens
>> should be able to continue his work and do his first release as per
>> normal.
> Not really - because of this the time pressure increased. I'm even not sure
> what module should get highest priority ofter next SQL::Statement/DBI
> release, but this action forces me to L::MU and this might disappoint
> people like Merijn (Tux) who's waiting for reworked P::PT since nearly a
> year now.

According to the bug reporter himself, the bug was in 0.24.

The bug is labelled that way in RT and the reported states that it
remains unfixed in 0.26, which is to be expected as I did not make any
changes that would fix any bugs in the module itself. But nor should
the repackaging have introduced any new bugs.

I'll try to replicate on a 5.8.8 system later today, but this should
not change your priority (although the existence of a Critical
Twiki-breaking bug might).

Adam K

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