On Mon, Nov 29, 2010 at 6:35 PM, Adam Kennedy <a...@ali.as> wrote:
> I may also want to play with CPAN::SQLite a bit (at the moment the way
> it populates the database is pretty horrible) but I've got other
> priorities first, so I'll revisit at a later time.

I'd like to see a more generic CPAN index lookup scheme that is
pluggable.  CPAN::SQLite should really just be one of several backends
(with package files being the default and CPANIDX being another
backend.).  I haven't had a chance to work on any of that yet, of
course, but that's what I think we ultimately need.

(If we could lock you, me, Andreas, brian and BinGOs in a room for a
day, we'd probably be able to nail it down, but the odds of that
happening anytime soon seem slim.)

-- David

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