Hello Darren Duncan, in a previous mail you wrote:

> I have noticed that practically nothing submitted to the modules list
> has been registered in the last few months, whereas prior to that there
> were typically a dozen new modules each week.

Not just months, there are pending registrations which are almost
TWO YEARS old by now.

> Does anyone know the reasons for this? Have the registrars taken an
> extended leave, or are they focusing instead on the backend coding for
> nntp.x.perl.org?

Or does still anyone read the [EMAIL PROTECTED] archive at
at all?! I see that the archive is full of spam and virus mails.
Maybe the list has been silently given up altogether?

> I think that there are quite a few people now who are wanting to know.

I second this. :-)

> Also, would it be practical to authorize extra people to do
> registrations?

Or is PAUSE now simply conceding namespace based on "first come,
first serve" (as the automatic mails from PAUSE after an upload
seem to indicate)?

But these modules do not show up on "The Perl 5 Module List"
Or has this list been given up in favour of newer/better
solutions? E.g. search.cpan.org or the like?

> -- Darren Duncan

Many thanks in advance for any enlightenment!

Best regards,
    Steffen Beyer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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