Net::Whois::IANA bdpOP A universal WHOIS data extractor ROMM ABSTRACT This is a simple module to extract the descriptive whois information about various IPs as they are stored in the four regional whois registries of IANA - RIPE (Europe, Middle East, North Africa), APNIC (Asia/Pacific), ARIN (North America and Africa) and LACNIC (Latin American & Caribbean). It is designed to serve statistical harvesters of various access logs and likewise, therefore it only collects partial and [rarely] unprecise information.
-- Roman M. Parparov - NASA EOSDIS project node at TAU technical manager. Email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Phone/Fax: +972-(0)3-6405205 (work), +972-(0)64-669-189 (home) ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The economy depends about as much on economists as the weather does on weather forecasters. -- Jean-Paul Kauffmann