On Jun 05, Sean M. Burke wrote:
> At 06:20 PM 2003-06-05 -0700, William R Ward wrote:
> >I really hope the admins don't accept this new US_DOD:: top-level 
> >domain.  I think it should go under the Doc::US_DOD:: hierarchy. There is 
> >no Doc:: top-level hierarchy currently that I can find, so making a new 
> >place for all modules that are solely documentation seems like a better 
> >idea than making a new place for the Department of Defense.
> Doc::* seems reasonable to me.
> I'm idly curious how many other people (other that this Mugatu Ramses 
> Kwashiorkor person) are really interested in publishing non-module 
> non-perl* docs in CPAN.

    I've been thinking about that.  Why would anybody go to CPAN
to look for DOD docs?  It's certainly not where I would ever look.

    - Kurt

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