
Today marks precisely one month since I first submitted Text::InputRepository
for consideration for inclusion on CPAN.  To date I've only had *one* response
which was mostly concerned with the name choice.  Since then I've had zero
responses to my replies and reminders that I'd like a final decision from you

I understand that this list is staffed on a volunteer basis but trying to
register a module is like pulling teeth.  This is getting ridiculous.  If you
need more bodies, then how does one apply?!  I can't be the only one getting
aggravated with excessive delays.  I don't expect an immediate response, but I
do think a *month* is sufficient for you to say yes or no definitively.

Understand me:  I would be much happier if you told me no.  At least I would
have an answer, rather than being left in limbo.

That said:  if you guys are that swamped what can the rest of the Perl
community do to help?

        --Arthur Corliss
          Bolverk's Lair --
          Digital Mages --
          "Live Free or Die, the Only Way to Live" -- NH State Motto

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