My name is Marcel Greter and I'm from switzerland. I'm actually building
a website for an online-magazin (it's a spare-time website, not
professional). I do not program perl that long yet; about two and a half
years, but I allready had a lot background from different languages etc.
But I'm not really sure if it is "good enough" for cpan :-) Maybe you
could give me some short feedback if such a module could be usefull ??
The whole thing is designed to run under mod_perl, but mod_cgi does also
! You may allready can imagine that it is a "dynamic content engine" (or
whatever you would call that). There are a lot of different "component"
which are mostly written by myself (I think, afterwards, that I often
could have just used a module from cpan, but ie. CGI was to memory-heavy
for me, so I wrote one myself, now I do know that there would have been
even others ...). I have session handling, input (request) handling,
users and files with permissions.
Basically the process always looks the same, actually the apache handler
you need to create to run it: Within your own handler you first "use"
all needed modules and some also _need_ to be configured through
imported methods. Everything is based on files, so you can ie. use
ram-disks to store the sessions. After you configured the "suite" (with
mod_perl you do this just once), you're ready to handle requests. With
every request, you init some packages: request, session and user. Then
you start your real work, which is mostly just a oneliner. You load a
file (ie. /global/template) and pass this "code" to the taglib function.
Now here comes the templating process. It will parse the code for
special-tags, which will then call the real tablib method. If you ie.
"use plato::libs::tags::if", the "if" tag will register itself to the
taglib module. So you can easily create new tags. Taglibs are also used
to" map" requests. If you want to map a request to a tag (you need to
give such an option to the tag), the mapper function (which is also
self-registerd) is called. Through this you can, ie. change data. I
actually extended it so much, that you even can create tables in tables
with cellspacings and more "gadgets" (I call this flexlib). Caching is
also implemented, as live-views on such complex sites do really need the
most cpu power.
I will give you a listening of all tags I allready made so you may can
estimate what's possible :
· /plato/libs/tags/if.pm : if tests with else clause
· /plato/libs/tags/link.pm : inline some webpage from anywhere
· /plato/libs/tags/section.pm : overview of "content" files
· /plato/libs/tags/repository.pm : direct access to our filesystem
· /plato/libs/tags/loop.pm : loop a "plato" object
· /plato/libs/tags/content.pm : show "content"
· /plato/libs/tags/count.pm : simple couter (really silly :-)
· /plato/libs/tags/sql.pm : sql-data module - is used together
with loop/if ...
· /plato/libs/tags/locale.pm : localize data (ie sentences or
· /plato/libs/tags/user.pm : interface to user module
overall, there are 13 modules. 11 tags and another 15 tiny global
modules (could be merged if needed).
I allready wrote quite a lot and I'm still nowhere; I actually allready
have ~35 pages of documentation here. I would really be happy if someone
may could review the code (I don't mean line by line, but overall). I
rather want to "fix" things (namespace) before releasing it. I would say
that about 95% of the work is done. Most of the code is allready
structured and reviewed by myself, but there is still a lot of stuff I
would like to implement. So you see, I'm not planning to release it this
year ;-)
So what I would like to know is, if something like this is allready
available on cpan ? If you like the package than I really would like to
"presend" you the code so you can look at it and I can redo the stuff
you think should be made different. Would be also quite nice to hear
your opinion about performance. Another thing is that the whole stuff is
quite useless without documentation. My plan was, if I'm going to
release it, to create a website with the documentation and stuff. I'm
actually a total noob when it comes to (creating) POD; makefiles too :-|
I'm sorry, that the letter got so long and to give you the required info
you want :
your name : Marcel Greter
your email address : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
your homepage if you have one : not yet !?
your preferred user-ID on CPAN. : MAXX
a short description of what you're planning to contribute : sorry that
it wasn't "short" !
thank you for reading, hope I can contribute something usefull,
Marcel Greter
ps. If I'm totally wrong here; you may forward this to the proper mail
address ;-)
pps. If you like I can give you whatever you need (ie. a working set of
data so you can "run" it yourself, or whatever)