The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       Text::MessageLibrary
  DSLIP:       bdpOa
  description: Centralize app's fixed/dynamic text strings
  userid:      JCLYMAN (John Clyman)
  chapterid:   11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)
    Perlmonks; namespace proposed on c.l.p.m and [EMAIL PROTECTED]



    Larger apps can benefit from a way to manage text strings to avoid
    string literals scattered throughout code. This module implements a
    mechanism for creating lists of text strings (either fixed or with
    placeholders filled in at calling time) and wraps it in a nice OO
    interface that lets you make calls like this:

    print $my_messages->file_open_failed($input_file);

    (You never actually define a "file_open_failed" method; an AUTOLOAD
    sub generates one for you and performs a lookup to construct the
    appropriate string.)

    You can find a more detailed discussion of the rationale, and
    feedback from others in the community, here: and here:

    I propose the name Text::MessageLibrary because this is basically a
    way for managing the text strings in your application. It's not
    language-specific, so Lingua::* seems inappropriate. String::* would
    be a possibility but my sense is that most of those modules are
    lower-level string-manipulation functions. (This is probably closer
    to some of the text-templating functions under Text::*.) brian d foy
    suggested Class::*, but the OO-ness of this solution is really
    incidental (it's for the syntactic convenience of the caller).

    Also, Text::* was where I first looked in CPAN when I was initially
    searching for a solution to this problem.

  enteredby:   JCLYMAN (John Clyman)
  enteredon:   Wed Oct 30 20:44:20 2002 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::MessageLibrary  bdpOa Centralize app's fixed/dynamic text strings  JCLYMAN

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