Per your recent email...

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 17:35:00 +0100
From: Paul Marquess <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: Jim Schueler <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: RE: BerkeleyDB::Tie module 

Hi Jim,

sorry for the delay it getting back to you. I was on leave for a couple of
weeks and have been slowly working my way through my mail mountain ever

Regarding your module, it sounds like a really good idea. Here are a couple
of random comments.

The use of the &incrementkeys and &duplicatekeys seems a bit strange. I can
see what you are using it for, but I'm not sure about the approach. Perhaps
you could hide the gory details like this?

  my $dupdb = new BerkeleyDB::Tie::Btree(
                home => 'zoo',
                filename => 'bigcats',
                incrementkeys => 1,
                ) ;

then get the new method to map the incrementkeys parameter to "sub { $_[0]
<=> $_[1] }".

Regarding the documentation, I really like the use of examples, but the
thing that is missing is manual page definitions of the interface (I'm a
fine one to tell you this given the sad state of my own documentation).

I'd fire it onto CPAN.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jim Schueler [mailto:jschueler@;]
> Sent: 30 July 2002 16:42
> Subject: BerkeleyDB::Tie module
> Hello.
> I contacted you about a year ago offering to help with BerkeleyDB support-
> at least in the area of documentation.  However, I ended up writing an
> interface module, BerkeleyDB::Tie, that defines a small set of practical
> functions instead.  I have attached this module, which hopefully provides
> a bridge between the primitive BerkeleyDB 1.1 interface and the complexity
> offered by the Berkeley DB 4 interface that you've implemented.
> This effort is new territory for me.  Even though this module is simple, I
> have no experience distributing my software.  I would like to submit this
> work for CPAN review, and you're probably the person who can provide the
> most valuable input.  Would you have a chance to take a look and please
> let me know of any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Jim Schueler
> Lead Programmer
> Motor City Interactive

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