I forgot to address the enclosed mail to <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
Vincent Zocca
Subject: Re: Module submission InfoSys::FreeDB
Date: Thu, 24 Oct 2002 08:44:57 -0400
Hi Brian,
First let me neutralize the following.
>> 11) Brian did not find time to discuss
>> "Net::FreeDB2"/"WebService::FreeDB2"/"InfoSys::FreeDB" any further.
>> (I guess he is a busy man)
>i may have been travelling and not able to respond, as other
>PAUSE admins might do from time to time.
>i would, however, try very hard not to disparage the volunteers
>that can help you. :)
1) I do appreciate volunteers and their significant efforts! (If you
care to know, sometimes I am ashamed of myself for doing too little)
2) By "...(I guess he is a busy man)" I actually meant that you might be
a very busy man and that therefor the occasional mail may slip from your
attention. IMO that's a positive sign.
3) I'm not a native English speaker. I guess many PAUSE contributers
aren't. Most contributor's intentions are good. Please forgive/forget
clumsy formulations.
4) Sometimes, business-like messages seem unfriendly. Most of the times
they aren't as it takes a lot of effort and energy to consciously be
unfriendly. This effort and energy is better used for meaningful work
(like programming).
5) I was being business-like. That is, I tried to be as direct and as
clear as possible.
6) General smile :)
7) I like number seven.
And now back to the actual topic. I trust we will conclude this time.
>how is this not a web service? i'm still not clear on that. your comment
>in 2) says it is HTTP.
CDDBP (CDDB protocol) is the principal protocol for the CDDB information
It is implemented directly on top of TCP (I'll refer to direct CDDBP
further in this mail).
Later on a CGI interface was implemented to access CDDB. (I'll refer to
CDDBP over HTTP further in this mail) Fact is that a subset of the CDDBP
functionality is implemented in CDDBP over HTTP. Specifically, the "
write" function is not supported. "CDDB write" is vital to upload CD
information to CDDB.
The two supported protocols make this not a true web service package.
Direct CDDBP is used when full CDDB functionality is needed. And when a
proxy/firewall is not prohibitive.
CDDBP over HTTP is mainly used when you're behind a proxy/firewall. E.g.
at your office.
My packages support both direct CDDBP and CDDBP over HTTP. Of course
proxy/firewall authentication is supported with CDDBP over HTTP.
Getting back to your question:
>i don't think InfoSys is appropriate.
Please suggest a suitable name. It seams that the obvious ones are all
already taken.
Vincent Zocca
_brian_d_foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Perl Authors
Upload Server <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> modid: InfoSys::FreeDB
>> 1) "InfoSys::FreeDB" is a clean OO API for FreeDB/CDDB access. 2)
>> Both CDDBP and CDDBP over HTTP protocols are supported. 3) No single
>> available package does this. (I have checked) 4) This is an
>> information system access API. Hence the choice "InfoSys::".
>i don't think InfoSys is appropriate.
>> 5) This
>> is not a pure web service so "WebService::" is not suitable. 6)
>> Design is already fixed. Module hierarchy name not yet. 7) Most code
>> is already written. 8) Already in use by author. 9) Already uploaded
>> in the form of "Net::FreeDB2". 10) brian_d_foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> already checked out "Net::FreeDB2" and suggested
>> "WebService::FreeDB2".
>how is this not a web service? i'm still not clear on that. your comment
>in 2) says it is HTTP.
>> 11) Brian did not find time to discuss
>> "Net::FreeDB2"/"WebService::FreeDB2"/"InfoSys::FreeDB" any further.
>> (I guess he is a busy man)
>i may have been travelling and not able to respond, as other
>PAUSE admins might do from time to time.
>i would, however, try very hard not to disparage the volunteers
>that can help you. :)
>brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins), http://pause.perl.org
- Module submission InfoSys::FreeDB Perl Authors Upload Server
- Re: Module submission InfoSys::FreeDB _brian_d_foy
- Re: Module submission InfoSys::FreeDB Tim Bunce
- Vincenzo Zocca