The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: modid: InfoSys::FreeDB DSLIP: bdpOg description: OO FreeDB API supporting CDDBP & CDDBP/HTTP userid: ZOCCAV (Vincenzo Zocca) chapterid: 7 (Database_Interfaces) communities: None yet
similar: CDDB, Net::CDDB, FreeDB, Net::FreeDB, WebService::FreeDB rationale: 1) "InfoSys::FreeDB" is a clean OO API for FreeDB/CDDB access. 2) Both CDDBP and CDDBP over HTTP protocols are supported. 3) No single available package does this. (I have checked) 4) This is an information system access API. Hence the choice "InfoSys::". 5) This is not a pure web service so "WebService::" is not suitable. 6) Design is already fixed. Module hierarchy name not yet. 7) Most code is already written. 8) Already in use by author. 9) Already uploaded in the form of "Net::FreeDB2". 10) brian_d_foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> already checked out "Net::FreeDB2" and suggested "WebService::FreeDB2". 11) Brian did not find time to discuss "Net::FreeDB2"/"WebService::FreeDB2"/"InfoSys::FreeDB" any further. (I guess he is a busy man) From man page: InfoSys::FreeDB is a FreeDB/CDDB access class hierarchy. The basics are similar to the other FreeDB/CDDB Perl modules. However, in the writers opinion, the details differ enough for it to have a certain right of existence. It's organization is inspired by "Net::LDAP". Already developed packages: InfoSys::FreeDB InfoSys::FreeDB::Connection InfoSys::FreeDB::Connection::CDDBP InfoSys::FreeDB::Connection::HTTP InfoSys::FreeDB::Entry InfoSys::FreeDB::Error InfoSys::FreeDB::Error::Interface InfoSys::FreeDB::Error::Protocol InfoSys::FreeDB::Error::Syntax InfoSys::FreeDB::Match InfoSys::FreeDB::Response InfoSys::FreeDB::Response::Hello InfoSys::FreeDB::Response::Query InfoSys::FreeDB::Response::Read InfoSys::FreeDB::Response::SignOn InfoSys::FreeDB::Response::Sites InfoSys::FreeDB::Response::Stat InfoSys::FreeDB::Site enteredby: ZOCCAV (Vincenzo Zocca) enteredon: Wed Oct 23 20:47:28 2002 GMT The resulting entry would be: InfoSys:: ::FreeDB bdpOg OO FreeDB API supporting CDDBP & CDDBP/HTTP ZOCCAV Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: