* your name Héctor Daniel Cortés González
* your email address <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> * your homepage if you have one <http://www.cie.unam.mx/xml/sacad/uc/hdcg/> * your preferred user-ID on CPAN. HDANIEL * a short description of what you're planning to contribute I wrote a mod_perl handler to authenticate access to my web server using PAM. You can configure a PAM_service_name per Diretory/Location section. -- Ing. Héctor Daniel Cortés González <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | Standard antes 'Aztec Eagle' Turbo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> | disclaimer http://www.cie.unam.mx/xml/sacad/uc/hdcg/ | here Linux User #13086. ICQ #109764048 | ------------------------------------------------------------------------ perl -wle '(1 x $_) !~ /^(11+)\1+$/ && print while ++ $_'