Dear module maintainers,
I hereby would like to register as a module
Name: Danny Van de Pol
Homepage: (company homepage)
Preferred user ID: D-VDPOL
My (planned) contribution(s):
I just finished writing, documenting and preparing
for distribution 2 modules:
GPC: This is a wrapper for the (quite
popular) 'General Polygon Clipping' library.
This C library is written by Alan Murta (more info
The library is free for non-commercial
As I said, it's just a wrapper which I mainly wrote
(using swig) for the other module (see below)
- but it can be used 'standalone'. Those familiar with gpc (and Perl of course)
will have little or
no problem in
using it. I first intended to translate the soruce code to Perl but then I
that doing so would a waste of effort and a waste in terms of
Math::Geometry_2D: A 2D geometry package with a
(IMHO) fairly complete set of functions.
Performs a set of operations on 2D polygons -
polygons being an ordered set (array) of
coordinates. I'm not a math export
(although I do have some background in that area) but
still I tried to use well known and efficient
algorithms. Some functions are trivial (e.g.
mirrorx and mirrory), others are more sofisticated
(e.g. point in polygon). There is pod
in the code but just as an overview a (almost
complete) list of the functions available
- lenght of a segment
- vector dot product
- vector cross product
- determinant of a matrix
- intersection of 2 lines
- intersection of 2 points
- check if 3 points are colinear
- perpendicular distance from a point to a
- perpendiuclar distance from a point to a
- perpendicular foot of a point on a
- check if lines are perpendicular
- (signed) triangle area
- (signed) polygon area
- polygon perimeter
- polygon centroid
- polygon cleanup (remove colinear
- check if polygon is concave
- check if polygon is simple (for the time being
this is the
only one with a nearly brute
force algorithm)
- check if point in polygon
- polygon bounding box
- polgyon minimal area enclosing
- polygon convex hull
- set of points convex hull
- polygon difference, union, xor and intersection
using gpc
- conversion to and from gpc data
- polygon move
- polygon scale (centered)
- polygon mirror (x,y and arbitrary
- polygon rotate (centered)
I tried to follow the rules in terms of name space
pollution (no exports),
including pod documentation ...
Think there's a good chance there are other people
in the world that
could benefit from my work.
Looking forward for your reply
Best regards,
Danny Van de Pol
PCB tools and methodolgy - design data
Broadband Networking Division
Alcatel Telecom - Antwerp
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- Registration Request Keith Watson
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- Registration request Johannes la Poutre
- Registration Request Dave Greco
- Registration request vbar
- registration request Danny Van de Pol
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- Registration request Jean-Pierre Vidal
- Registration Request Stephen Hargrove
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- Re: Registration Request _brian_d_foy
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- registration request Garth Sainio