On Friday, October 4, 2002, at 03:04  AM, _brian_d_foy wrote:
> choose something a bit more specific unless this is a general
> framework for all tutorials.  as the first person to do this
> in this namespace (there are other Tutorial modules out there),
> you can easily set precedent. :)
> for instance, you might have
>    Tutorial::Perl::Lists
> which leaves room for
>    Tutorial::XML::*
>    Tutorial::Test::*
> and so on :)

Well, I agree.  I do not want to singly own this Namespace -
but set it up as a space all to contribute to --

Like a Namespace KIWI  :)

What do I do to get authorization of


Things like that?  I know that PAUSE stated I could  up load right 
away, but I do not want to step on peoples toes with this fledgling 

Thx  :)
"Well, in general, the thing I don't like about other
computer languages is that they're not Perl." -Larry Wall

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