In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Perl Authors Upload Server 

> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>   modid:       TUTORIAL

>     This name space, Tutorial::, would prove invaluable for people who
>     are new to Perl and would like a collective package of examples,
>     neatly packaged as a module searchable and available via CPAN. I
>     would like to start off with the current example Perl Guide I have
>     been working on and expand itto real examples - more than taking
>     another book approach,

choose something a bit more specific unless this is a general 
framework for all tutorials.  as the first person to do this
in this namespace (there are other Tutorial modules out there),
you can easily set precedent. :)

for instance, you might have


which leaves room for


and so on :)

brian d foy (one of many PAUSE admins),

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