[resending a different path]

On 9/29/02 12:14 AM, "William C.  Jones  (Bill)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I apologize for the delay in getting back to you, but I am not real
sure how I am supposed to reply to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (a closed list)
since I didn't even know you had posted a comment about School::
until Friday.

Anyhow, I am forced to contact you directly, please excuse this
intrusion if this method of contact was not appropriate - if there
is a preferred communication procedure please let me know of it.

To address your question:

>>     * To: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>     * Subject: Re: Module submission school
>>     * From: _brian_d_foy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>     * Date: Mon, 23 Sep 2002 12:00:07 -0500
>>     * Delivered-to: mailing list [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>     * Mailing-list: contact [EMAIL PROTECTED]; run by ezmlm
>>     * References: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>     * User-agent: Thoth/1.4.6 (Carbon/OS X)
>> In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, Perl
>> Authors Upload Server <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>>>   modid:       school
>>>     There are many people new to PERL that would benefit from a more
>>>     direct and stream-lined approach to learning PERL.
>>    how is a module going to help that?
>>>     This namespace is suggested strictly to that end - learning PERL.
>> do you intend this to be a pragma? (lowercase module names are
>> reserved for pragmas).

I am wondering, do you mean:

"A pragma usually conveys non-essential information, often intended
to help the compiler to optimise the program."

The fact the the module name appears in lower-case is strange as I
posted it like "School::"

To answer your first question "How will this help" -

The intent is to distribute, in module or DocSet format, a series
of Perl How-Tos (not just my ideas regarding How-To, but the module
Namespace can be a WIKI - so it will be a complete set examples
(not fragments.)

The various modules on CPAN are generally written in the spirit of
TIM-TOADY which my research has shown to prove disenchanting to new
learning of Perl - especially when some have little or no
programming back ground (much like me when I first started in 1996.)

I realize there is already a couple of places (like beginners and
cgi-beginners) - Seriously, do you feel those lists are helping?

I propose a very BASIC Perl-Baby talk series, then follow up with a
grade school approach, etc.

Each 'series" to be completely self-contained.

Anyhow, I do appreciate your efforts and especially your time in
considering my proposal.

Thank you/Bill :)
('>    iudicium ferat
//\   Have Computer -
v_/_    Will Hack...

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