The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: school DSLIP: impfo description: school domain for educational purposes userid: SNEEX (Bill Jones) chapterid: 23 (Miscellaneous_Modules) communities: comp.lang.perl.misc and/or similar: none? rationale: There are many people new to PERL that would benefit from a more direct and stream-lined approach to learning PERL. This namespace is suggested strictly to that end - learning PERL. All comments are welcome :] -Sx- :] enteredby: SNEEX (Bill Jones) enteredon: Mon Sep 23 12:56:41 2002 GMT The resulting entry would be: school impfo school domain for educational purposes SNEEX Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: