On Wed, Jun 05, 2002 at 07:49:23PM +0200, Perl Authors Upload Server wrote: > > The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: > > modid: SQL::Snippet > DSLIP: bdpOp > description: Enables an OO Interface to Your RDBMS > userid: PRL (Phil R Lawrence) > chapterid: 7 (Database_Interfaces) > communities: > [EMAIL PROTECTED], YAPC::NA 2002 > > similar: > SQL::QueryBuilder::Simple, Relations::Query > > rationale: > > [ Tim suggested the chapter 7 (Database) for this module, but SQL:: > is associated with chapter 11 (Text, etc.) only at this point. This > module should *definately* be in the SQL heirarchy. Should chapter 7 > be added to SQL:: in addition to chapter 11? ]
Just because module Foo::Bar is in chapter X doesn't mean Foo::Baz has to be in the same chapter. But personally I'd put them both into "Database". Tim. > [ The whole Rationale has previously been submitted, so here is an > abstract. ] > > -------- ABSTRACT -------- If you work with databases, chances are > you have lots of scripts with SQL statements sprinkled throughout > them. This situation gives rise to several problems: - Database > changes result in hunting down affected SQL statements. - SQL is cut > and pasted from script to script, allowing mutation errors. - > Flexibility suffers because everything is hardwired. > > SQL::Snippet allows you to modularize all that SQL into one central > repository. Instead of complete SQL statements, the repository > contains "snippets" (i.e. little pieces) of SQL. SQL::Snippet will > front end these snippets, allowing your code to call for the dynamic > creation of complete, optimized SQL statements using straightforward > OO (Object Oriented) syntax. > > There are two kinds of Snippets: 1) populations i.e. people, > places, other_objects ... > > 2) limits applicable to those populations i.e. gender, location, > other_attributes ... > > Real databases are complex beasts with thousands of tables and > myriad relationships. SQL::Snippet scales well into the real world > -- by viewing your database's structure and data in an OO way, > intelligent modularization is possible. > > enteredby: PRL (Phil R Lawrence) > enteredon: Wed Jun 5 17:49:23 2002 GMT > > The resulting entry would be: > > SQL:: > ::Snippet bdpOp Enables an OO Interface to Your RDBMS PRL > > > Thanks for registering, > The Pause Team > > PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: > > Registration form with editing capabilities: > >https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?ACTION=add_mod&USERID=3e100000_efb2e029b2d601b6&SUBMIT_pause99_add_mod_preview=1 > Immediate (one click) registration: > >https://pause.perl.org/pause/authenquery?ACTION=add_mod&USERID=3e100000_efb2e029b2d601b6&SUBMIT_pause99_add_mod_insertit=1