The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
modid: SQL::Snippet DSLIP: bdpOp description: Enables an OO Interface to Your RDBMS userid: PRL (Phil R Lawrence) chapterid: 7 (Database_Interfaces) communities: [EMAIL PROTECTED], YAPC::NA 2002 similar: SQL::QueryBuilder::Simple, Relations::Query rationale: [ Tim suggested the chapter 7 (Database) for this module, but SQL:: is associated with chapter 11 (Text, etc.) only at this point. This module should *definately* be in the SQL heirarchy. Should chapter 7 be added to SQL:: in addition to chapter 11? ] [ The whole Rationale has previously been submitted, so here is an abstract. ] -------- ABSTRACT -------- If you work with databases, chances are you have lots of scripts with SQL statements sprinkled throughout them. This situation gives rise to several problems: - Database changes result in hunting down affected SQL statements. - SQL is cut and pasted from script to script, allowing mutation errors. - Flexibility suffers because everything is hardwired. SQL::Snippet allows you to modularize all that SQL into one central repository. Instead of complete SQL statements, the repository contains "snippets" (i.e. little pieces) of SQL. SQL::Snippet will front end these snippets, allowing your code to call for the dynamic creation of complete, optimized SQL statements using straightforward OO (Object Oriented) syntax. There are two kinds of Snippets: 1) populations i.e. people, places, other_objects ... 2) limits applicable to those populations i.e. gender, location, other_attributes ... Real databases are complex beasts with thousands of tables and myriad relationships. SQL::Snippet scales well into the real world -- by viewing your database's structure and data in an OO way, intelligent modularization is possible. enteredby: PRL (Phil R Lawrence) enteredon: Wed Jun 5 17:49:23 2002 GMT The resulting entry would be: SQL:: ::Snippet bdpOp Enables an OO Interface to Your RDBMS PRL Thanks for registering, The Pause Team PS: The following links are only valid for module list maintainers: Registration form with editing capabilities: Immediate (one click) registration: