Does anyone know who is strong enough to help fix this problem?

I'm trying to fix all these IO::Multiplex CPAN issues, but I
keep getting this spewage when I apply for the namespace:

<h2 class="firstheader">Register Namespace</h2><input type="hidden" name="HIDDENNAME" 
value="BBB" /><p><b>ERROR:</b>
 The submission didn't succeed due to the following reason:</p><p>Dist 
<i>L/LI/LIRAZ/IO-Multiplex-0.1.tar.gz</i>, current version
        <i>0.1</i> has been uploaded by <i>LIRAZ</i>.
        Please contact <i>LIRAZ</i> or choose a different namespace.</p><p><b>Nothing 
done.</b> Please correct the form below
    and retry.</p>


I told you, LIRAZ cannot be contacted.  I've tried many
times already.  If you know how to contact him, please
do so or tell me how.  His emails contacts are broken!
If not, then force the "CPAN User-ID" to "BBB" for me.


Rob Brown

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