
name: Ivan Neulander
homepage: www.rhythm.com/~ivan
preferred login: ivan
  second choice: ineulander

I've written a module that extends Getopt::Long to handle flags with
multiple sets of whitespace-separated arguments. I didn't like having
to repeat a flag name multiple times (or using commas without spaces)
to specify multiple flag arguments. I also wanted syntax checking for
the number of arguments given built into the parsing routine.

Here's a sample program that uses the module (tentatively called 


  #!/usr/bin/perl -w
  use Getopt::MultiArg;

  my $parseSpec = [['beta' => 1,  1],  # exactly one
                   ['bozo' => 0,  1],  # none or one
                   ['exp'  => 1,  2],  # one or two
                   ['test' => 0,  0],  # exactly none
                   ['mail' => 1, -1]]; # one or more
  my %args;
  ParseFlags($parseSpec, \%args) or die "syntax error";

  # show results
  for (@$parseSpec) {
    my $flag = $_->[0];
    my $min  = $_->[1];
    my $max  = $_->[2];
    my $arg = $args{$flag};

    printf "%10s (%2d..%2d) : ", $flag, $min, $max;
    print $arg ? (scalar @$arg, " arg(s) [@$arg]\n") : "\n";

  print "\nnon-flag arg(s) : ", $args{''} ? "@{$args{''}}" : '[none]';


Sample runs:

> test.pl
      beta ( 1.. 1) :
      bozo ( 0.. 1) :
       exp ( 1.. 2) :
      test ( 0.. 0) :
      mail ( 1..-1) :

non-flag arg(s) : [none]


> test.pl mainArg
      beta ( 1.. 1) :
      bozo ( 0.. 1) :
       exp ( 1.. 2) :
      test ( 0.. 0) :
      mail ( 1..-1) :

non-flag arg(s) : mainArg


> test.pl mainArg -bozo
      beta ( 1.. 1) :
      bozo ( 0.. 1) : 0 arg(s) []
       exp ( 1.. 2) :
      test ( 0.. 0) :
      mail ( 1..-1) :

non-flag arg(s) : mainArg


> test.pl -bozo jubus
      beta ( 1.. 1) :
      bozo ( 0.. 1) : 1 arg(s) [jubus]
       exp ( 1.. 2) :
      test ( 0.. 0) :
      mail ( 1..-1) :

non-flag arg(s) : [none]


> test.pl -bozo jubus gaga
Option '-bozo' allows at most 1 argument.
syntax error at test.pl line 12.


> test.pl mainArg1 mainArg2 -beta v1.1 -exp 01May02 08May02 -mail ivan zuzu marty -test
      beta ( 1.. 1) : 1 arg(s) [v1.1]
      bozo ( 0.. 1) :
       exp ( 1.. 2) : 2 arg(s) [01May02 08May02]
      test ( 0.. 0) : 0 arg(s) []
      mail ( 1..-1) : 3 arg(s) [ivan zuzu marty]

non-flag arg(s) : mainArg1 mainArg2


Ivan Neulander                  (310) 448-7689
Programmer                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]

R H Y T H M    &    H U E S      S T U D I O S

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