Hi, I would like to register for CPAN. I have written a small package named EPS which facilitates the generation of encapsulated Postsript images, consisting of a background color (or gradient), arbitrary shapes (lines, polygons, circles etc.) and text. Additionaly, any arbitrary Postscript command can be included (with the aid of AUTOLOAD) as a method.
- My name: Wilhelm Haager - email: [EMAIL PROTECTED] - homepage: none - description: see above Attachment: Package EPS. Wilhelm Haager
# ============================================================================= # Package EPS V1.0 (W.Haager, 2002-03-25) # Creation of Encapsulated Pstscript Images # ============================================================================= package EPS; use Carp; # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # new - create a new picture # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub new { my $class = shift; my @lt=localtime(time); my $year=$ld[5]+1900; my $month=substr("0".($ld[4]+1), -2); my $day=substr("0".$ld[3], -2); my $date="$year-$month-$day"; $_[0] or croak "** ERROR ** Missing picture size".(caller 1)[3]; $_[1] or $_[1] = $_[0]; our $bbx = ($_[0]*72/25.4 ); our $bby = ($_[1]*72/25.4 ); my $header ="\%!PS-Adobe-3.0 EPSF-3.0\n"; $header.="\%\%BoundingBox: 0 0 $bbx $bby\n"; $header.="\%\%Title:\n"; $header.="\%\%Creator: Perl\n"; $header.="\%\%For: all people who love Postscript\n"; $header.="\%\%Pages: 1\n"; $header.="\%\%CreationDate: $date\n"; $header.="\%\%EndComments\n"; $header.="save 72 25.4 div dup scale\n"; my $trailer="showpage\n"; $trailer.="\%\%Trailer\n"; $trailer.="restore\n"; $trailer.="\%\%DocumentFonts:\n"; $trailer.="\%\%DocumentNeededFonts:"; my $self = [$header, $trailer]; bless ($self, $class); return $self; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # clone - clone a picture # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub clone { my $to_be_cloned = $_[0]; my $cloned = [@$to_be_cloned]; my $class = ref($to_be_cloned); bless ($cloned, $class); return $cloned; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # background - setting the background color or a color gradient # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub background { my ($self,$r1,$g1,$b1,$r2,$g2,$b2,$x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$exp)=@_; defined($r1) or $r1=0; defined($g1) or $g1=0; defined($b1) or $b1=0; defined($r2) or $r2=$r1; defined($g2) or $g2=$g1; defined($b2) or $b2=$b1; defined($x1) or $x1=0; defined($y1) or $y1=0; defined($x2) or $x2=0; defined($y2) or $y2=$bby; defined($exp) or $exp=1; my $string = <<EOS; <</ShadingType 2 /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB /Coords [$x1 $y1 $x2 $y2] /BBox [0 0 $bbx $bby] /Extend [true true] /Function << /FunctionType 2 /Domain [0 1] /C0 [$r1 $g1 $b1] /C1 [$r2 $g2 $b2] /N $exp>> >> shfill EOS splice @$self, -1, 0, $string; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # AUTOLOAD - translate Perl-subroutines into Postscript code # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub AUTOLOAD { my ($self,@args)=@_; my $string=''; foreach (@args) {$string.=$_; $string.=' ';} $AUTOLOAD=~s/EPS:://; splice @$self, -1, 0, "$string$AUTOLOAD\n"; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # line - draw concatenated lines # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub line { my ($self,@args)=@_; my $point = shift(@args); my $x = $point->[0]; my $y = $point->[1]; splice @$self, -1, 0, "newpath\n$x $y moveto\n"; while (@args) { $point = shift(@args); $x = $point->[0]; $y = $point->[1]; splice @$self, -1, 0, "$x $y lineto\n"; } splice @$self, -1, 0, "stroke\n"; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # polygon - draw an outlined polygon # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub polygon { my ($self,@args)=@_; my $point = shift(@args); my $x = $point->[0]; my $y = $point->[1]; splice @$self, -1, 0, "newpath\n$x $y moveto\n"; while (@args) { $point = shift(@args); $x = $point->[0]; $y = $point->[1]; splice @$self, -1, 0, "$x $y lineto\n"; } splice @$self, -1, 0, "closepath\n"; splice @$self, -1, 0, "stroke\n"; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # filled_polygon - draw a filled polygon # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub filled_polygon { my ($self,@args)=@_; my $point = shift(@args); my $x = $point->[0]; my $y = $point->[1]; splice @$self, -1, 0, "newpath\n$x $y moveto\n"; while (@args) { $point = shift(@args); $x = $point->[0]; $y = $point->[1]; splice @$self, -1, 0, "$x $y lineto\n"; } splice @$self, -1, 0, "closepath\n"; splice @$self, -1, 0, "fill\n"; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # circle - draw an outlined circle # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub circle { my ($self,@args)=@_; my ($x,$y,$r) = @args; defined($x) or croak "** ERROR ** Missing point".(caller 1)[3]; defined($y) or croak "** ERROR ** Missing point".(caller 1)[3]; defined($r) or croak "** ERROR ** Missing radius".(caller 1)[3]; splice @$self, -1, 0, "newpath $x $y $r 0 360 arc stroke\n"; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # filled_circle - draw a filled circle # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub filled_circle { my ($self,@args)=@_; my ($x,$y,$r) = @args; defined($x) or croak "** ERROR ** Missing point".(caller 1)[3]; defined($y) or croak "** ERROR ** Missing point".(caller 1)[3]; defined($r) or croak "** ERROR ** Missing radius".(caller 1)[3]; splice @$self, -1, 0, "newpath $x $y $r 0 360 arc closepath fill\n"; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # rawcode - include Postscript Code # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub rawcode { my ($self,@args)=@_; while (@args) { splice @$self, -1, 0, shift(@args)."\n"; } } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # write - write to file # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub write { my ($self,@args)=@_; @args or croak "** ERROR ** Missing filename".(caller 1)[3]; open (OUTFILE, ">@args[0]") or croak "** ERROR ** Cannot open File @args[0]".(caller 1)[3]; foreach (@$self) {print OUTFILE $_;} close OUTFILE; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # color - setting the (RGB-)color # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub color { my ($self,@args)=@_; my ($r,$g,$b)=@args; splice @$self, -1, 0, " $r $g $b setrgbcolor\n"; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # font - setting the font and size (in pt) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub font { my ($self,@args)=@_; my $fontname=$args[0]; my $fontsize=254/72; if ($args[1]) {$fontsize=$args[1]*25.4/72;} splice @$self, -1, 0, "/$fontname findfont $fontsize scalefont setfont\n"; } # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # text - write text # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- sub text { my ($self,@args)=@_; my ($string,$align)=@args; $align="l" unless $align; if ($align=~/l/i) # linksbuendig { splice @$self, -1, 0, "($string) show\n"; } if ($align=~/c/i) # zentriert { splice @$self, -1, 0, "gsave ($string) stringwidth exch neg 2 div\n"; splice @$self, -1, 0, "exch rmoveto ($string) show grestore\n"; } if ($align=~/r/i) # rechtsbuendig { splice @$self, -1, 0, "gsave ($string) stringwidth exch neg exch\n"; splice @$self, -1, 0, "rmoveto ($string) show grestore\n"; } } 1; __END__ =head1 NAME EPS - Routines for creating Encapsulated-Postscript Images =head1 SYNOPSIS use EPS; p = EPS -> new(150, 100); # new image with 150x100 mm size q = p -> clone; # clone the image p p -> background(0,0,1); # blue to background (RGB values) p -> background(0,0,1,0,0,0); # color gradient blue-black p -> line([10,10],[20,10],[30,20]); p -> circle(50,20,15); p -> filled_circle(50,20,15); p -> polygon([20,20],[30,20],[40,40],[20,50]); p -> filled_polygon([20,20],[30,20],[40,40],[20,50]); p -> color(1,0.5,0); # setting RGB values p -> rawcode("0 0 moveto 20 10 lineto stroke"); p -> font('Helvetica',10); # setting font (10 pt size) p -> text('This is a left justified text','l'); p -> text('This is a centered text','c'); p -> text('This is a right justified text','r'); p -> any_postscript_command($a,$b,$c,$d); p -> Write("picture.eps"); =head1 DESCRIPTION This Perl package allows the creation of Encapsulated Postscript images (level 3) with a single color or a color gradient as background, containing simple shapes (as lines, polygons, circles etc.) and text. Additionally, any Postscript code can be included verbatim. All dimensions (except for the fontsize, which is given in points) are assumed to be millimeters. The methods stated above should be self-explanatory. Additional to those, any Postscript command can be declared as a method, which will be translated via AUTOLOAD into the respective Postscript command in the following way: p -> any_postscript_command($a,$b,$c,$d,...) is translated to $a $b $c $d ... any_postscript_command Thus, basic knowledge of the Postscript language is helpful. =head2 Examples p -> newpath; p -> setlinewidth(0.35); p -> translate(100,20); p -> scale(2,2); p -> rotate(45); p -> setrgbcolor(1,0.5,0); p -> moveto(10,10); p -> lineto(10,20); p -> stroke; ... etc. etc. ... =head1 VERSION EPS 1.0 (2002-03-25) =head1 AUTHOR Wilhelm Haager, HTL St.Poelten, Austria C<([EMAIL PROTECTED])> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright 2002, Wilhelm Haager This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. =cut