[EMAIL PROTECTED] (Perl Authors Upload Server) writes:
> The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:
>   modid:       Lingua::DE::Mutations
>   DSLIP:       idpfp
>   description: Transliterate german mutations with ASCII
>   userid:      HOLSTEN (Andrea Holstein)
>   chapterid:   11 (String_Lang_Text_Proc)
>   communities:
>     On the other hand, Mutations has a very tough assosziation to
>     biology. Other possible names could be Lingua::DE::ASCII,
>     Lingua::DE::ASCIICharacters, Lingua::DE::ProgrammersStyle,
>     Lingua::DE::Umlaute or whatever you will suggest. (Even
>     Lingua::DE::Goethe is a possible name - as the 'ae', 'oe', ...
>     writing is typical for the time Goethe had lived :D)

I think that Lingua::DE::ASCII would be the best, because it would be
pretty obvious for someone reading the Module List what it is.


William R Ward            [EMAIL PROTECTED]          http://www.wards.net/~bill/
     If you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate.

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