I'd like to request a PAUSE ID.
name:            Philip Putnam
email:            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
homepage:    currently offline, but Perl anorexic regardless :-)
preferred id:  PPUTNAM, P_PUTNAM, or PHILIP_P
There are three modules I'd like to contribute...
1)  A module which I'd prefer to call Archive::Generic or Archive::Simple.  The module allowes the creation/manipulation of archives in a fairly simple format.  It's mainly being written as part of an autoinstaller program for "large-ish" type scripts.
2)  A templating system I developed, currenly just being called Parse.pm.  Given a template embedded with special <%tags%> (variables, file includes, conditionals, etc.), and replaces them accordingly.  Not sure of a good name under the HTML namespace as they've all been taken :-(
3)  a user authentication module, that could be called DBI::UserAuth.  Pass in a hash of values about an SQL table containing user data, you can then easily access a users record for authentication purposes, or create/modify users without excessive coding.

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