My name is: John Clutterbuck My email is: [EMAIL PROTECTED] I don't have a public home page My preferred ID would be: JOHNC I am planning to contribute a module for tracking objects creation/destruction called Devel::ObjectTracker. I also assist GRAHAMC in the maintenance of SiePerl
Regards John Clutterbuck Siemens Business Services, UK Tel: +44 2380 765021 Fax: +44 2380 765020 This e-mail contains confidential information and is for the exclusive use of the addressee/s. If you are not the addressee, then any distribution, copying or use of this e-mail is prohibited. If received in error, please advise the sender and delete it immediately. We accept no liability for any loss or damage suffered by any person arising from use of this e-mail. Siemens Business Services Limited Registered No: 1203466 England Registered Office: Siemens House, Oldbury, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG12 8FZ