
>> I need advice about where to put my PSID.pm module (in which namespace).
>> Currently, the module can be found here in a somewhat raw form:
>> http://lala.c64.org
>    Top-level would be a bad idea.  How about under the existing Audio
>namespace?  For example, Audio::PSID?

Yes, Audio::PSID sounds very logical for my PSID.pm module.

To upload my module to CPAN, I'd also like to register myself at PAUSE. The
required parameters:

NAME: Imre Olajos, Jr.
HOMEPAGE: http://lala.c64.org
PREFERED USER ID: "lala" - if not available, my preference: "lala64", or if
    that's not available, either, "imreolajos".
PLAN: I plan to contribute the above new Audio::PSID module (with proper
    Makefile, README and other files in the tarball package, not just the
    PSID.pm file  =), and also the related PSIDedit.pl Perl/Tk script that not
    only provides a GUI front-end to edit SID files, but also acts for me as a
    test-bed for PSID.pm. ;)


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|_/\_|_/\_  [EMAIL PROTECTED]
'/~~\'/~~\  http://lala.c64.org

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