On Dec 09, LaLa wrote:
> Hi all!
> I need advice about where to put my PSID.pm module (in which namespace).
> Currently, the module can be found here in a somewhat raw form:
> http://lala.c64.org
> I've never uploaded anything to CPAN before, and I don't want to do something
> stupid, so I thought I'd rather ask. :) I've read the docs about how to upload
> stuff to CPAN, and my only remaining problem is about the namespace.
> In short, PSID is a class that handles (reads/writes/manipulates) PlaySID
> files (Commodore-64 music files), commonly known as SID files. One SID fan
> suggested the HVSC::PSID namespace (HVSC meaning "High Voltage SID Collection"
> and can be found here: http://www.hvsc.c64.org ), but I'm not a fan of that,
> since PSID is a file format, while HVSC is a SID archive that happens to
> archive SID tunes as PSID files. I was also thinking about File::PSID, after
> all, PSIDs are nothing else but binary files formatted in a special way, but
> I don't know if that would be the best. Or maybe just leave it as top-level
> PSID (which is what it is right now)?...

    Top-level would be a bad idea.  How about under the existing Audio
namespace?  For example, Audio::PSID?

    - Kurt

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