The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       GD::Dashboard
  DSLIP:       adpOp
  description: Creates spiffy images with meters and gauges
  userid:      FERRANCE (David Ferrance)
  chapterid:   18 (Images_Pixmaps_Bitmaps)
    not sure

    I have not found any.


    GD::Dashboard rationale

    I chose GD::... because it seems to be the convention to go under
    GD if you require it. I cleared it with Lincoln Stein (GD author).
    Dashboard indicates the main purpose of the module, which is to
    create images of dashboard or cockpit like displays to convey
    information to web users in an easy, visual way.

    I'm not clear on what percentage of CPAN submissions end up in the
    module list. I defer to you on whether Dashboard would belong there.

    This is my first interaction with CPAN. Hopefully I'm doing no
    worse than average here :)

  enteredby:   FERRANCE (David Ferrance)
  enteredon:   Sat Dec  1 05:38:54 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Dashboard       adpOp Creates spiffy images with meters and gauges FERRANCE

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The Pause Team

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