Tim, I do not understand 'where' it is. When I go to register the namespace, I get this:
ERROR: The submission didn't succeed due to the following reasons: Module DBD::Multiplex has already been registered by DBIML. Dist T/TI/TIMB/DBI-1.19.tar.gz, current version 0.2 has been uploaded by TIMB. Please contact TIMB or choose a different namespace. And when I log onto PAUSE and look for the module, I get this: Sorry, there are no modules registered belonging to TKISHEL. Please note, only modules that are already registered in the module list can be edited here. If you believe, this is a bug, please contact [EMAIL PROTECTED] Yet my uploads exist: http://www.cpan.org/modules/by-authors/id/T/TK/TKISHEL/ So I am cc'ing [EMAIL PROTECTED] with this message. > > > It's no longer bundled with the DBI. I'm not sure why Thomas Kishel > > > (the author, CC'd) hasn't put it on CPAN yet. > > > > > > Why do you ask? > > > > http://www.perlmonks.org/index.pl?node_id=127796&lastnode_id=864 > > > > :) > > Ah. Tom, can you give us (and maybe them) an update? > > And, ideally, please release it via PAUSE to CPAN. > > Meanwhile, this > http://search.cpan.org/doc/TIMB/DBI_Talk5_2001/sld071.htm > says it's available from > ftp://not.tdlc.com/pub/Multiplex.pm > and indeed it is, pod docs included. > > Tim.