BTW, the Devel:: namespace isn't right for this. Devel:: is for
development-time tools, not run-time.


On Tue, Oct 09, 2001 at 08:23:12PM -0600, chromatic wrote:
> On Tuesday 09 October 2001 20:17, Kirrily Robert wrote:
> > >    Devel::Constants captures constant declarations (with the constant
> > >    pragma), allowing values to be resolved to their symbols at runtime.
> > >    It has a special method to resolve bitwise flag markers, such as
> > >    those found in a TCP packet.
> > I've read this through three times and I still don't understand what
> > you're talking about.
> The constants pragma lets Perl turn names like PI and NEXT into values like 
> '3.14' and '1' at compile time.  It's a lot easier and more maintanable to 
> use those names when programming.  (Common sense.)
> At runtime, unless the author has gone to some trouble, there's no easy way 
> of getting the name ('PI'), given the value ('3.14').  For some modules, 
> that's no problem -- people who muck about inside should know what they're 
> doing.
> With a module such as NetPacket::TCP, trying to see what flags are set on a 
> packet doesn't work very well.  The module defines constants corresponding to 
> bits, using boolean logic to set and unset these bits with the flags.  Using 
> the module's published interface, attempting to read the flags returns a 
> number like '24' instead of 'RST ACK SYN' or whatever.
> My solution is to overload constant::import, stashing away the names and 
> values, so they can be fetched at runtime.
> Does that help?
> -- chromatic

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