(Warming up an old thread about the question if it should be
Speech::Recognition::XXX or Speech::Recognizer::XXX)

>>>>> On 14 Jul 2001 13:32:55 -0400, David Huggins-Daines <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

  > You're right, it wasn't given a lot of thought.  An informal poll of
  > the people in the same room with me at the moment prefers
  > "Recognizer", I could go either way, though it is kind of inconvenient
  > to change the name of a module so I'd rather not if I don't have to.

Sure it's inconvenient for the user to change a name already in use
but it's also inconvenient for the user to have slightly different
names for related modules. CPAN.pm reveals there was a
Speech::Recognizer::SPX back in April:

cpan> m /speech::reco/
Module          Speech::Recognition::ViaVoice 
Module          Speech::Recognizer::SPX (D/DJ/DJHD/Speech-Recognizer-SPX-0.0602.tar.gz)
Module          Speech::Recognizer::SPX::Server 
3 items found

cpan> ls djhd
    6611 2001-04-05 DJHD/Audio-OSS-0.05.tar.gz
    8823 2001-04-16 DJHD/Audio-OSS-0.0501.tar.gz
   29375 2001-04-05 DJHD/Festival-Client-Async-0.0301.tar.gz
   88086 2001-04-05 DJHD/Speech-Recognizer-SPX-0.0602.tar.gz

So this should have been used as a precedent.

This doesn't mean it's a must to rename now. I just want to give you a
last chance before I register the namespace on the PAUSE database.
Just tell us if you want to keep the name or change the name, I'd
register whatever you prefer (presuming there are no strong objections
by others).


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