In perl.modules, you wrote: > >The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List: > > modid: GMIME > DSLIP: cdcOl > description: GMIME - module for MIME handling > userid: MAKLER (Piotr Klaban) > chapterid: 19 (Mail_and_Usenet_News) > communities: > [EMAIL PROTECTED] on 18 Jan 2001 08:39:38 +0100 (msg04115.html) > > I do not know what name whould be reasonable. MIME is already taken > ;-) and short name would be best. But I would accept MIME::GMIME > (MIME::GMIME::objname). I have asked in > http:[EMAIL PROTECTED]/msg04115.html but > nobody answered about the name.
What does the G in GMIME stand for? Is it an easily recognisable name that people will know to look for, or is it (as it seems) somewhat arbitrary and obscure? Your earlier message says that this is an XS implementation, and that it's faster than the existing MIME tools. Is this its only (or main) point of distinction? If so, I'd go for a name like MIME::Fast::* or something. (Some people might suggest MIME::XS::* but we like to make the name match the *features* not the specific *implementation*). K. -- Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] - The latest politico-sexual minority: Bisexual separatists