Hi there.
My name is Sam Vilain, I've been programming Perl for about 3 years and
now it's time for me to start putting things back.
The first module I'm going to contribute is called Class::Tangram, which
acts as a base class for Tangram persistent objects. You place the
section of the Tangram schema particular to each object within the package
scope as $Object::schema, run Class::Tangram::import_schema("Object"), and
then you get:
- Object->new(field => value) style constructor
- $o->set_field(value) field updating methods (implemented via
- $o->get_field() accessors (also aliased as $o->field())
- $o->clear_refs, which explicitly breaks any references in attributes,
empties Set::Object containers, etc.
The set_field method performs simple type checking, so eg you can't set an
int to a string, or a "ref" to a non-blessed object.
It also extends the tangram schema specification by allowing you to
specify, for each attribute, a "check_func" (a CODE ref that is called
with the argument as first parameter and dies if there is a problem)
and an "init_default" (either a basic data type that is used as a default
or a code ref returing the default).
In this respect, it is somewhat similar to Class::Contract, but you get
the ability to store the objects in an RDBMS via Tangram instantly. In
fact, I will eventually try to roll support for this into Class::Contract.
I would like to use the PAUSE id of SAMV.
Sam Vilain, [EMAIL PROTECTED] WWW: http://sam.vilain.net/
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