Hi Autrijus, 

Thanks for the patch. I have applied it and rolled a new release (0.03)
which is available from http://vipul.net/perl/sources/sidekick/

I have retracted the VERSION patch for the moment for two reasons: Perl
versions are real numbers, and your patch treats them like canonical
version strings. This might cause a problem in future, eg when we go from
0.3 to 0.11; in perl 0.3 > 0.11.

Also, CVS insists on starting revision numbers with 1.x. I am sure there's
a way to force it to use 0.x, I just haven't figured it out yet.

A question for those reading the SDK list and [EMAIL PROTECTED]: should I
upload sidekick to CPAN?


On Sun, Sep 16, 2001 at 09:54:04PM +0800, Autrijus Tang wrote:
> Hi there. I've been using Sidekick to convert a Bundle:: to a SDK,
> and patched various things along the way. Attached is an assortment
> of fixes, some of which you might find unneccessary to apply. :-)
> [snip] 


Vipul Ved Prakash         |   "I almost died, but I made it, so I'm not so
Software Design Artist    |    serious about formal-wear anymore."
http://vipul.net/         |                         -- Gene Boggs

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