On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 09:54:20PM -0400, Kirrily Robert wrote:
> On Mon, Sep 17, 2001 at 02:34:59PM -0700, Kurt D. Starsinic wrote:
> | . . . None of us has been willing to take responsibility to make sure
> | that everybody gets responded to.  Perhaps you wish to become that
> | special somebody?
> Sure.  That's what I'm more interested in, to be honest.  You've
> probably noticed me being pretty chatty since I joined . . . .

    I did notice.  So, I'm nominating you as Prime Responder To-er.
All opposed?

> . . . OK, so can we recruit people with more tuits? . . .

    Given appropriate definitions of `can' and `we', of course.  ;^)

    - Kurt

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