In lists.projects.perl.modules, you wrote:
>Hi, I'd like to register with PAUSE to contribute to CPAN.
>Name   :  Stephane Peiry
>WWW    :  N/A
>User ID:  PEIRY
>Desc   :  a package to setup connections to "Palm like" devices
>          and allow data transfers to it (contacts informations
>          or applications, etc.)

Take a look at the existing stuff under Palm::* first, and see if
there's any common ground.


Kirrily 'Skud' Robert - [EMAIL PROTECTED] -
"4 December, 1668. Had a venison Pastie at The Liver-Spotted Hande that was 
palpable Beefe. Mrs. Pepys and Myself thrown into ye Microwayvve, where we 
did Expand Mightily, to a Frighteningly Enormous Syze. And so to Bed."

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