Hi, you may have seen my registrations for a couple of Lingua::Zompist::* modules. I'm also considering writing a helper module for those modules, which I would probably want to distribute in one package with the other modules. Basically what it would do is convert between different representations -- for example, Latin-1, UTF-8, etc. However, the "canonical" representation (for the purposes of this module) is the font encoding of Mark Rosenfelder's "Almea" and "Verdurian" fonts, which includes all the characters used in transcribing several of the Almean languages, not all of which are even in Unicode as precombined characters (for example, r-with-diaeresis). In addition, the quasi-standard transcription Mark uses in his web pages uses sequences such as "<strike>l</strike>" and "<u>s</u>" to represent certain characters, and I would want to reproduce that. (Text in the canonical representation will, if formatted with one of Mark's fonts, show the glyphs used when writing those languages natively.) So the conversion schemes would be largely homegrown, which (I believe) prevents me from using Unicode::String or Unicode::Map8, which would otherwise seem to be applicable. Therefore, I would like to write something like Lingua::Zompist::Convert (or so), which would map between the "canonical" representation and various character sets which could be used to transcribe the original. Now my question is: is that module name acceptable, and can that module be put there? Or would you recommend I try to work with another module somehow, and/or file the module somewhere else? I don't think it can really work with anything else; it's pretty much a utility module only for the Almean languages, and on the other hand, I don't think I can subvert an existing conversion module which implements standards since this "quasi-standard" character set I will be using is not widespread, and hence not implemented anywhere else. Cheers, Philip -- Philip Newton [EMAIL PROTECTED] datenrevision GmbH & Co. OHG http://www.datenrevision.de a gedas company TEL +49-40-797 007-37 Cuxhavener Straße 36, D-21149 Hamburg FAX +49-40-797 007-10