The following module was proposed for inclusion in the Module List:

  modid:       App::Control
  DSLIP:       adpOp
  description: application control (stop / start) module
  userid:      AWRIGLEY (Ave Wrigley)
  chapterid:   12 (Opt_Arg_Param_Proc)

    none known


    App::Control is a simple module to replicate the kind of
    functionality you get with apachectl to control apache, but for any
    script or executable. There is a very simple OO interface, where the
    constructor is used to specify the executable, command line
    arguments, and pidfile, and various methods (start, stop, etc.) are
    used to control the executable in the obvious way.

  enteredby:   AWRIGLEY (Ave Wrigley)
  enteredon:   Wed Aug 29 15:14:17 2001 GMT

The resulting entry would be:

::Control         adpOp application control (stop / start) module    AWRIGLEY

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