I left some information out of this request. Sorry about that. I'll
summarize here.
name: David C. Snyder
homepage: http://dsnyder.ws-e.com/
preferred ID: DCS or DSNYDER
description: Modules and Scripts which solve problems
related to Network and UNIX Systems
David C. Snyder
CNN - Internet Technologies
Desk: 404 827 1679 Nextel ID: 46
Cell: 770 616 0080 Pager: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Thu, 26 Jul 2001, David C. Snyder wrote:
> I attended HFB's session today at the Perl Conference on grokking CPAN
> and was inspired to request a CPAN ID. There are several projects
> that I'm working on, most of them related to automated systems
> administration. At some point, I hope to upload a few general-purpose
> modules from this project as well as some scripts that use them.
> I'll be sure to read the proper FAQ's and other documents and follow
> proper procedure to request a name space (or to be part of an
> appropriate existing name space) before I start uploading. Thanks for
> your assistance.