I'd like to request a CPAN id.
Name: David Chan
Email Address: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Homepage: http://www.sheetmusic.org.uk/
Preferred id: DIVEC
What I plan to contribute:
To start with, a module to validate ISINs (which are like ISBNs for stocks
and shares), hopefully called Business::ISIN. Various other ideas too!
DSLI for Business::ISIN: RdpO
Description : Validate International Securities ID Numbers
Where this was discussed:
I posted "PROPOSAL: Business::ISIN" to comp.lang.perl.modules a few days
ago - recieved 1 response proposing some changes and saying it was a good
Many thanks!
David Chan
"If all things are one, what room is there for speech? If [speech] does
exist, we have two; and two and one, three; from which point onwards, even
the best mathematicians will fail to reach the ultimate." --- Zhuang Zi